Torn Page 24
"So what do we do now?" she asked as she glanced back and forth between Walter and Henry.
Walter cleared his throat. "I suggest that you, Lee, and Dean all go home and get some rest. Like Henry said, we probably won't see any Noxin demon activity for a while. Not only does Maura need to recover, but I'm sure she also needs to alter her plan a little."
Henry stepped forward and then gestured between the other two guardians and himself. "We'll all be on high alert now, but why don't you let us escort you all home before we leave."
Melina nodded as she and Lee stood up from the floor. "I don't think you should be alone tonight," she said to Lee. "Why don't you stay at my apartment?"
He smiled at her. "I'd like that."
As Lee left the room to go and pack a small overnight bag, Walter addressed Melina again. "I'll leave you now to go and tell the other elders about all of the new developments. We at least know now that Adelia is still helping the Noxin demons, but the details of their plan are still a mystery." He gave her a quick hug and then said, "I'll come see you again soon, but as always, call me if you need anything."
"Okay," she said with a smile and then watched him disappear.
Lee returned to the living room a few minutes later with a small duffel bag in hand.
"Do you need to tell your doorman you're leaving?" Melina asked. "Or maybe try to explain to him what all the noise was?"
Lee shook his head. "These apartments all have soundproof walls. I doubt anyone even noticed. If I get questioned about it, I'll deal with it then."
"All right then," she said. "Are you ready to go?"
Lee nodded his head, and then they all teleported back to Melina's apartment. Tessa and Gwen had already closed up the bookstore and gone home for the night, so she would have to fill them in on everything tomorrow sometime. Henry, Merrick, and Ronan all said good-bye, and then Dean excused himself to go to bed.
Melina and Lee took turns in the bathroom, cleaning up and getting themselves ready for bed. She went first and then waited for Lee on the bed. A few minutes later, he stepped out into her bedroom in his long-sleeved shirt and flannel pajama pants. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and, after whispering good night, headed toward the door.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
He stopped to turn around and said, "The couch."
She shook her head and gave him a playful smile. "Always the gentleman, aren't we? Well," she said as she stood up from the bed and made her way over to him. "Since I almost lost you tonight, I think we can be a little lax with that rule." She took his hand in hers and then led him back over to the bed with her.
After they both crawled underneath the covers, Melina nestled her head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I was so scared tonight," she said in a low voice. "I'm not going to want you out of my sight for a while now."
Lee gently rubbed his hand up and down her back. "That's more than okay with me," he said. There was a short moment of silence and then he asked, "Did you really mean what you said to me right after I first came to, or was that just one of those in-the-moment declarations?"
"Of course I meant it," she said. "I had actually been waiting for a while now for the right moment to tell you. Why? Did you not—"
"No no, I mean it," he said and then briefly tightened his hold on her. "I very much meant it. Like you, I had also been struggling with finding the right time to tell you, so when it happened just like that… well, I wanted to make sure it was real, and that you actually feel the same way as I do."
"Yes," said Melina as she gazed up at him. "I feel exactly the same way you do. I love you, Lee."
He smiled at her and then leaned his head down and kissed her softly on the lips. "I love you, too, Melina," he whispered into her ear.
With a blissful smile on her face, she laid her head back down on his chest and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Melina woke early to shower and get ready before Lee and Dean both woke up. They had both been such a great help to her in their own ways, and she wanted to show them at least a small amount of appreciation by making them breakfast. She tiptoed her way out into the kitchen and quickly got started on making coffee and omelets. About twenty minutes later, both men emerged from the bedrooms, freshly showered and ready to start the day.
"I hope you guys are hungry," she said as she set the last plate down onto the kitchen table. "This is sort of a little thank you for helping me out and sticking by me during this whole ordeal."
Lee gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and then sat down at the table. "Thank you. It looks great."
"Yeah," Dean agreed as he sat down next to Lee. "It'll be a great last meal for us to share together."
Melina gave him a curious look. "What do you mean a last meal together?"
"Last night I decided to book a flight back home," he said. "I've got a few people I need to catch up with. My work partners, Lynn…" His voice trailed off as he took a drink of his coffee. He then looked back up at Melina and said, "I want the support that you have, so I'm going to tell my coworkers everything. And as far as Lynn goes… well, I'm going to fight for her like you told me I should. I still love her very much, and I'm going to do all that I can to make things right with her. And if that means waiting for her to come to terms with the supernatural side of my life, then so be it."
Melina smiled. "Well, we'll miss having you here, but I wish you the best of luck with your friends and with Lynn."
"Thanks," he said. "My flight leaves in a couple of hours, so I really need to head out here shortly. I'll come back soon, though. If the Noxin demons start something, I'll definitely want to help stop them."
They all finished their breakfast, and then after making sure Dean had everything packed and they all said good-bye, Dean caught a cab to the airport, and Melina and Lee made a visit to the city's cemetery. After all that had happened last night, she wanted to talk to her parents.
Melina parked her Jeep alongside the road, and then she and Lee walked over to her parents' gravesites. Lee stopped a few feet away to give her some privacy.
Her eyes started to water as she knelt down in front of the tombstones. Once again, she didn't know where to start. She took a minute or so to gather her thoughts, and then cleared her throat.
"I have good news," she said. "Well, there's some bad news, too, but let's start with the good news. I got my guiding angel powers to come back." She paused for a moment as she tried her best to smile. "I never should've doubted them. I'll be able to help more people in due time. I just need to be patient, I guess." She looked back and forth between her parents' graves and then clasped her hands together in her lap. "I was also able to reverse the demon powers to use them for good. So the powers I have pretty much do the opposite of what the normal Noxin demon powers do. I hope you're proud of me."
She paused again as the built-up tears started to slide down her cheeks. "I don't know what the Noxin demons have planned, but I promise you that I'll do everything I can to help stop them. I realize what a gift these powers are now, and I'm not just talking about the angel powers. Now that I've been able to reverse the demon powers, I see them in a whole new light, and I actually think I was meant to absorb them. Why I was meant to absorb them, I still don't know, but I have a feeling I'll find out soon enough. And whatever happens, I promise I won't let you down. I'll make you proud."
Melina kissed her hand and then gently placed it down on the cold, hard ground. After whispering a quick farewell, she stood up from her knees and then took Lee's hand and started to walk back toward her Jeep.
She had won her internal battle and was no longer torn between good and evil. And if the demon powers ever tried to take over again, she was confident she could win the battle again. But one thing she wasn't certain about was what Maura and the other Noxin demons had in store. If it was a battle they were planning, she didn't know if it was one she could win, even with the help of her friends.
She could only hope.
About the Author
Ashley Stambaugh grew up in a small town in Illinois where she and her two siblings created some of the best memories playing on their family’s farm. She stayed in the southern region of the state to attend college where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree and also met her husband.
Now, she and her husband live in central Illinois and spend their time creating new memories with their two rambunctious boys and their comical black Pug. She also enjoys reading, taking long walks, and finding great bargains. When her sons are a little bit older, she has a great desire to travel with her family. Oh, and she also has a slight obsession with chocolate.
When she’s not busy chasing after her two young children or losing herself in a good book, you can find her curled up on her couch with her laptop, writing.
Don’t miss the book that started it all!
Chapter One
Melina Rowe peered out of her bedroom window and wrinkled her nose. It was late October, so she knew it was cold outside, but it also appeared to be windy. These weather conditions weren’t her favorite, but she was determined to continue with her morning runs until snow prevented her from doing otherwise. She pulled her long brown hair up into a ponytail, slid a fleece headband on over her ears, and zipped up her coat before heading out her apartment door and down the stairwell to her bookstore below. The store didn’t open for another hour, so she had plenty of time. She took a quick look around and then turned to exit through the back.
Starting off in a slight jog, she followed her normal path toward the park, taking in the city in its early morning state as she went. Traffic was light, and there was only a handful of people out and about. The sky was a dull gray, and brown, dried up leaves swirled and danced around her, giving the city an even gloomier feeling. She hoped the blustery wind didn’t mean rain was on its way.
After only a few short blocks, the wrought iron gates that surrounded the park appeared alongside her. She picked up her pace and rounded a corner to her right, making her way toward the entrance, when she came upon an elderly man walking from the opposite direction. They met each other so suddenly that neither of them had a chance to move out of the way. Melina collided with the man, and it was in that moment that it happened.
As soon as their bodies made contact, she felt a powerful surge of energy pass through her and then a bright white light exploded between them, knocking them both away from each other. Melina, who had been knocked to the ground, pushed herself up to her feet, wondering what had just happened. The sensation that went through her body was like nothing she had ever felt before. It was very sharp and intense, like an electric shock, but at the same time it was soothing and warm. The feeling still lingered in her body as she finally looked over at the man.
After catching his balance, he looked over at her, and she noticed his expression of confusion and shock. His mouth opened as if to say something, but nothing came out. He stared at her for a moment and then finally he spoke to her.
“You,” he muttered.
“Excuse me?” she asked, returning his confused look.
“You’re one of them.”
Melina’s brow creased. She had no idea what he was talking about, but what he said made her feel a little uneasy. “I… I’m sorry, sir.” She slowly stepped away from the man and took off running into the park.
“What was all that about? I’m one of them?” Melina shook her head as she tried to get into her stride, but her body still tingled from the power surge, which made it difficult to keep running. “What is going on?” She immediately stopped and began to rub her arms and legs. A few seconds later she heard a voice behind her.
Melina jumped slightly as she turned around and gasped in surprise. The old man she had just run into stood only a few feet in front of her. How did he catch up to her so quickly?
“Miss, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I was simply caught off guard.”
Looking at the man in his long, black trench coat with a matching fedora and his snow white hair, she was momentarily reminded of her late grandfather. He appeared to be in his mid-seventies and had a tall and slender build. Despite his fragile look, though, Melina still felt uncomfortable around him.
“I don’t mean to be rude, sir, but I really need to go.”
Ignoring what she said, he extended his hand out to her. “My name is Walter.”
“Nice to meet you, Walter, but I really have to go.” She gave him a brief smile as she turned to leave.
The old man wasn’t giving up, though, and didn’t want to let her go. “Melina, wait!” he said as he reached out to her. “It’s important that I speak to you.”
A strong gust of wind blew up out of nowhere, causing Melina to stumble backward. The wind muffled what the old man said to her, but she could’ve sworn she heard him say her name.
“What did you say?” she asked, turning to face the man. Fear mixed with confusion masked her face as she cocked her head to the side and pointed at him. “How do you know my name?” She slowly started to inch away from him.
“Please,” Walter said as he stepped forward. “Come with me, and I’ll explain everything.”
Melina shook her head as she backed away even farther. “No. Stay away from me.” She turned to leave again.
“Melina, please don’t go. You’re special, and you need to know what’s going on. I know it may sound a bit strange to you but—”
She whirled back around. “It may sound a bit strange? No, it is strange! I don't know what you did to me earlier, but I want you to leave me alone.”
“I didn’t do anything. It was you. If you’d only let me explain, you’d understand,” Walter said as he took a step toward her.
“No!” she yelled. “You stay away from me you, you… freak!” She spun around and took off running toward the gated entrance.
Melina sprinted all the way back to her bookstore. Once inside, she bolted and locked the door and headed straight up to her apartment. She shimmied out of her coat and tossed it on her bed as she began to pace back and forth.
“Melina!” a voice yelled from downstairs.
Knocked out of her deep concentration, Melina jumped when she heard her name.
“It’s Tess. Are you here?”
She relaxed a little. It was her good friend and store manager, Tessa Birch. Tessa had been her best friend since they were both six years old and had met in their first grade class. Melina had been the shortest in their class, and her pointy pixie like features had been hard to miss. Tessa had been abnormally tall for a six year old and seemed to have lost half of her baby teeth at the same time. Both feeling a bit like a fish out of water, they’d hit it off from day one and had been inseparable ever since.
Melina took in a deep breath as she tried to calm herself down. She slid her headband off and started toward her bedroom door just as a tall, slim woman with curly blond hair appeared. It was Tessa, all dolled up and dressed to the nines in sleek black dress pants and a white silk blouse.
“Hey, Melina. How are… you?” Tessa’s brow furrowed as she stopped and looked at her friend. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah yeah, I’m fine,” Melina said quickly as she met Tessa at the doorway and tried to scoot past her. “Let’s get the store ready for opening.”
Tessa put her arm out to stop her. “Wait. What’s bothering you?”
“Nothing. Let’s go downstairs.”
“Melina.” Tessa grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the room. “Come on now. You haven’t even changed out of your running clothes.”
Melina’s bright green eyes looked into her friend’s dark blue ones and knew that Tessa wasn’t going to give up. “Right.” She stepped back into her room and walked over to her closet as she pulled her shirt up over her head and let out a heavy sigh.
“When I was out running earlier, I accidentally ran into an old man and… something happened.”
ssa’s forehead creased as she crossed her arms in front of her. “What do you mean?”
“Well…” Melina paused, unsure of how to explain it. She had never lied to Tessa before, and Tessa always listened to her stories, no matter how crazy they were. She decided to just be straightforward. “It was like some sort of energy passed between us, or more like exploded between us. It knocked me to the ground.” She turned back to her closet and grabbed a light gray sweater and a pair of jeans from a shelf and quickly put them on. She preferred casual and comfy, just the opposite of Tessa, like usual. When she turned back around, Tessa was looking at her with raised eyebrows.
“I’m not joking,” Melina said as she finished changing her clothes. “It was the strangest sensation. I can still feel it a little.” She rubbed her arms slightly and then started to pace the room again.
“After we collided, the man pointed at me and said I was one of them. I ran from him, but he followed me into the park. He told me I was special and that if I went with him, he’d explain everything to me. And… he knew my name.” Melina paused for a moment and raised her eyes to look at Tessa.
“How?” Tessa asked. “Does he know you from the store?”
Melina shook her head as she shot Tessa a worried glance. “I’ve never seen him before in my life.” She let out a long sigh then said, “What a weird morning.”
“I think crazy would be the better term,” she heard Tessa say.
Melina let out a short laugh. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“Right about what?”
Melina gave her friend a curious look. “You just said that crazy would be the better term.”
“Did I say that out loud?” Tessa asked. “I didn’t think I did, but how’d you know that’s what I was thinking?”